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sadar !  

Posted by: Riska Lenggogini

If you think you are unhappy, look at them

If you think your salary is low, how about her?

If you think you don't have many friends...

When you feel like giving up, think of this man

If you think you suffer in life, do you suffer as much as he does?

If you complain about your transport system, how about them?

If your society is unfair to you, how about her?

Enjoy life how it is and as it comes

Things are worse for others and is a lot better for us

There are many things in your life that will catch your eye
But only a few will catch your heart....pursue those...

SMAN 1 Bekasi :)  

Posted by: Riska Lenggogini

and im going to tell about my lovely school.

jadi, udah 9 bulanan gue sekolah disini dan bentar lagi melahirkan haha nggak deh. ini sekolah itu termasuk dalam jajaran sma favorit dan sma paling diminatin di bekasi. pas daftar aja ada dua ribu ! gila. ga bakal nyangka banget bisa masuk smansa -________- dengan modal nekat saya pun mendaftar. jeng jeng jeng! prosesnya yang agak ribet gitu yah. test wawancara pake b.inggris, test psikotest, test akademik. pokoknya ME-LE-LAH-KAN ! dan ternyata pas pengumuman...


yeah yeaaaaaaaa *loncat joget* syalalala cucucucucu wowowowowo. trus daftar ulang dan bla bla bla. melewati MOS dengan seru banjeeet. gue ditempatin di X.6 or we can called tensixmalaya. atau dipersingkat: tensix.
9 bulan ini bersama tensix itu seruuu. pokoknya gue ngerasa beruntung bisa ditempatin di kelas ini walaupun kadang suka ribut juga. suka berantem juga. tapi kita berusaha untuk tetep KOMPAK ! dan ssssst, ada cinlok di kelas ! huahaha.

sekian aja deh dulu. lagi males nih haha see ya later ;)


Posted by: Riska Lenggogini in

every week's the same, stuck in school's so lame
my parents say that i'm lazy
gettin' up at 8am's crazy
tired of bein' told what to do. so unfair, so uncool

the day's too long
and i'm holding on
till i hear the bell ring
cause that's the time when we're gonna time when we're gonna

Breakout! Let the party start
we're gonna stay out, gonna break some hearts
we're gonna dance, till the dance floor falls apart
oh oh, all over again

we're gonna wake up everyone we know
we're gonna have some fun gonna lose control
it feels so good
to let go oh oh

hangin' out's just somethin' we like to do
my friends and the mess we get into
these are the lessons that we choose
not a book full of things we'll never use

the day's too long
and i'm holding on
till i hear the bell ring
cause that's the time when we're gonna time when we're gonna

Breakout! Let the party start
we're gonna stay out, gonna break some hearts
we're gonna dance, till the dance floor falls apart
oh oh, all over again

we're gonna wake up everyone we know
we're gonna have some fun gonna lose control
it feels so good
to let go oh oh

wish it would never end
spending time with my friends
oh with my friends

Breakout! Let the party start
we're gonna stay out, gonna break some hearts
we're gonna dance, till the dance floor falls apart
oh oh, all over again

we're gonna wake up everyone we know
we're gonna have some fun gonna lose control
it feels so good
to let go oh oh

the youngest mother in the world  

Posted by: Riska Lenggogini in

Peruvian five-year-old Lina Medina, accompanied by her 11-month-old-son Gerardo, and Doctor Lozada who attended her son's birth, are shown in this 1940 file photo taken in Lima's hospital.

When her child was born by Caesarean section in May 1939, Medina made medical history, and is still the youngest known mother in the world.

Lina Medina's parents thought their 5-year-old daughter had a huge abdominal tumor and when shamans in their remote village in Peru's Andes could find no cure, her father carried her to a hospital.

Just over a month later, she gave birth to a boy

Worlds youngest mother

Medina was born on September 27, 1933 in the small village of Paurange. She was only 5 years 8 months old at the birth of her child on Mother's Day, May 14, 1939.

Born at full term at Lima's maternity clinic, her child was taken through a caesarian operation (Dr. Lozada and Busalleu, operators, Dr. Colretta, anesthesiologist). The child (boy), weighing 2,700 grams, was well formed and in good health. Child and mother were able to leave the clinic after only a few days.

Lina Medina youngest mother in the word

Doctor Lozada has conducted very detailed studies since the diagnostic of the pregnancy which aroused much curiosity in the country; he took an x-ray of the child and her baby, established a diagnostic of the fetal situation, observed the state of functionality of the little mother who had begun menstruating at the age of 8 months. At four years old she had already developed breasts as well as pubic hair, her body proportions were a bit amazing and her bone hardening a bit advanced, things that are often observed in cases of such premature pregnancy.

After taunting from schoolmates, Medina's son, Gerardo - who was named after one of the doctors who attended Medina and who became their mentor - discovered when he was 10 that the person he had grown up believing to be his sister was in fact his mother.

Gerardo died in 1979 at age 40 from a disease that attacks the body's bone marrow, but it was said it was not clear there was any link with his illness and the fact his mother had been so young at his birth.

Medina herself married and in 1972 had a second son, 33 years after her first. Her second child now lives in Mexico.

Most 10 weirdest name in the world  

Posted by: Riska Lenggogini in

Pilot Inspektor Lee (son of Jason Lee), and Audio Science Sossamon (son of Shannyn Sossamon) are certainly eccentric, but even these names seem tame next the weirdest baby names. We've ruled out the names without sufficient information (for example, the couple in Kent who supposedly named their child Depressed Cupboard Cheesecake). Still, we found some weird, weird names with documentation:

10. 4real Superman Wheaton
4real Superman Wheaton was born in February 2008. The New Zealand court has taken issue with his name because numerals are not allowed in names. The parents, however, are debating this law. If they cannot name him 4real, they will make his name "Superman," officially, but friends and family will call him "4real." They were inspired when they saw the baby for the first time under the ultra-sound and discovered he was "for real!"

9. GoldenPalaceDotCom Silverman
GoldenPalaceDotCom Silverman is a $15,000 name. The Internet casino GoldenPalace.com bought the name on eBay from expecting parents, and got more than it paid for in media attention. The branded baby was born in May, 2005. Actually, the little guy was not the first GoldenPalaceDotCom, a mother of five, Terri Illigan, sold her naming rights for $15,199, and changed her name to GoldenPalace.com, as well.

8. Savior God Scientist Allah
Savior God Scientist Allah was the name of a 16-month old Michigan boy. Unfortunately, he died after falling from a seventh story window on April 20, 2006.

7. Diva Thin Muffin Pigeen Zappa
Diva Thin Muffin Pigeen Zappa is the youngest child of Frank Zappa. Her siblings are Moon Unit Zappa, Dweezil Zappa and Ahmet Zappa. Apparently, she was screaming louder than any other baby in the nursery, and that's how she got the name "Diva." And I suppose "thin muffins" make you scream, too.

6. Espn Malachi McCall
Espn Malachi McCall (pronounced "Espen"), born in August 2001, is the youngest of three children in the world known to be named ESPN. Like Espn Curiel in Corpus Christi, and Espn Blondeel in Michigan, McCall's parents are sports fans. His middle name means a biblical messenger of God, so they sometimes call him "the sports messenger." If they have another son, they will name him Fox Sports McCall.

5. Urhines Kendall Icy Eight Special K.
Urhines Kendall Icy Eight Special K., pronounced, "Your Highness," was born in February of 2003 to Evelyn and Kendall. This name is (in case you missed it) a reference to the illicit drug ketamine.

4. Lleieusszuieusszesszes Willihiminizisteizzi Hurrizzissteizzi
Lleieusszuieusszesszes Willihiminizisteizzi Hurrizzissteizzi was a resident of Los Angeles; appears in Robert Ripley's second Believe It or Not! (1948).

3. Dick Assman
Dick Assman is a Canadian service station owner. His name propelled him to international celebrity status in 1995, after David Letterman discovered him. On the show, Joe Namath declared himself an "Ass-maniac" and Tony Orlando performed a musical tribute. Afterwards, Assman received a number of contracts for commercial appearances, as well as many marriage proposals. Who doesn't want to be Mrs. Assman?

2. Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116
Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 (pronounced Albin) was a name given to a child by the parents of a Swedish family, which they described as "a pregnant, expressionistic development that we see as an artistic creation." The name was rejected by a Swedish court and they were charged a fine. The child’s name was later changed to A (also pronounced Albin), but this too was rejected. On his first passport, the boy's name reads "Icke namngivet gossebarn," meaning "unnamed little boy."

1. @
@ was the name that a Chinese couple attempted to give their child in August 2007. Li Yuming, the deputy chief of the State Language Commission, did not say if officials accepted the name. The Chinese, though familiar with the @ symbol, often use the English "at" to sound it out. With a drawn out "T" is sounds something like "ai ta," or "love him," in Mandarin.

source : google

time machine ? is that true ?  

Posted by: Riska Lenggogini in

Mike Marcum membuat heboh ketika pada tahun 1995 muncul di acara radio Coast to Coast dan mengatakan bahwa ia memiliki konsep mesin waktu yang dapat direalisasikan. Entahkah mesin waktu itu bekerja atau tidak, tapi konon kabarnya, sejak tahun 1997, Mike Marcum menghilang tanpa jejak. Apakah ia berhasil melakukan perjalanan lintas waktu ?

Orang-orang menyebutnya Mike "Mad" Marcum. Pada tahun 1995, Ia mencoba untuk membuat sebuah mesin waktu dari serambi rumahnya di Missouri, Amerika Serikat. Ia memberikan alasannya membuat mesin waktu, yaitu untuk melihat nomor lotere yang akan keluar dari masa depan.

Pada tahun 1995, Marcum baru berusia 21 tahun dan kuliah di bidang kelistrikan. Menurut orang-orang yang mengenalnya, Marcum memang dikenal sebagai seorang yang cerdas.

Dalam wawancaranya dengan Art Bell, Host dari acara radio Coast to Coast, Marcum mengatakan bahwa ia menciptakan mesin waktu dengan "Tangga Yakub".

Tangga Yakub adalah sebuah peralatan yang memiliki dua batangan logam dengan percikan-percikan listrik diantaranya. Dalam film-film kuno, konsep tangga Yakub dapat kita lihat sebagai alat yang menciptakan kehidupan bagi Frankenstein. Dan seperti Frankenstein, menurut Marcum, sesuatu yang besar terjadi ketika Tangga Yakub-nya dijalankan.

"Tepat diatas Tangga Yakub, tercipta sebuah kondisi panas dengan lingkaran di tengahnya." Kata Marcum pada saat wawancara dengan Art Bell. "Pada mulanya, aku tidak mengetahui dengan pasti apa yang sedang terjadi. Bahkan sampai saat ini aku masih belum yakin."

Menurut Marcum, Ia kemudian melemparkan sebuah sekrup ke dalam lingkaran itu.

"Aku tidak tahu apa yang sedang terjadi, jadi aku mencoba melempar sekrup kedalamnya dan melihat apa yang terjadi," Katanya kepada Bell. "Setelah aku melemparnya, aku tidak melihat sekrup itu lagi."

Sekrup itu hilang, kata Marcum, lalu beberapa detik kemudian, muncul kembali secara tiba-tiba beberapa kaki dari tempatnya berdiri.

Dipenuhi rasa ingin tahu, Marcum lalu memutuskan melakukan sesuatu. Ia membuat Tangga Yakub sebesar manusia dengan 168 elektromagnetik di serambi rumahnya. Setelah Tangga Yakubnya selesai, Marcum masih memiliki satu masalah. Ia membutuhkan sumber listrik.

Jadi, dengan obsesinya yang menggebu, ia pergi ke sebuah gardu listrik di St Joseph dan mencuri 6 transformer dari situ.

Sherif Eugene Lupfer yang mengetahui hal itu segera menuju rumah Marcum dan menemukan keenam transformer tersebut telah terinstall ke Tangga Yakub-nya. Sebelum Marcum menyalakan peralatannya, Sherif telah memborgol tangannya dan menggiringnya ke penjara.

Setelah menjalani hukuman penjara selama beberapa lama, Marcum dibebaskan. Ia kemudian pindah ke sebuah Apartemen di St. Joseph dan mulai mengerjakan mesin waktunya kembali. Namun kemudian, pemilik apartemen mengusirnya. Menurut The New York Times, ia diusir karena memindahkan seekor kucing "sejauh satu blok". Entah apa maksudnya.

Pada tahun 1996, Marcum kembali muncul di acara radio Coast to Coast. Pada saat itu ia mengatakan bahwa 30 hari lagi ia dapat menyelesaikan mesin waktunya.

Itu adalah kemunculannya yang terakhir. Pada Januari 1997, Marcum menghilang.

Setelah hilangnya Marcum, seorang pria dari Orange County menelepon Art Bell. Ia mengatakan bahwa ia ingat dengan sebuah foto dari surat kabar edisi beberapa tahun lalu yang menceritakan sebuah peristiwa misterius yang terjadi pada tahun 1920an.

Menurut surat kabar tersebut, pada tahun 1920an, polisi menemukan mayat seorang pria di sebuah tabung besar yang aneh. Tubuh pria tersebut hancur berantakan. Disebelah tubuh tersebut ditemukan sebuah peralatan aneh. Para polisi saat itu tidak bisa mengidentifikasi peralatan itu atau identitas mayat itu. Penyebab kematiannya juga tidak dapat dipecahkan.

Pria dari Orange County ini kemudian ingat kepada foto tersebut dan ia mengatakan bahwa peralatan disamping mayat tersebut mirip dengan sebuah ponsel.

Apakah Marcum berhasil melakukan perjalanan lintas waktu ke masa lalu ? Apakah mayat pria tersebut adalah Marcum ?

source : here

The "Underwater" Mistery River  

Posted by: Riska Lenggogini in

its about River Under The Sea.

well can u imagine that ? there was a river under the sea. im sure the question that comes into your mind is "HOW?" i dont know what the answer but God knows. wow. this is so wonderful. amazing! i was completely surprised and yeaah.. im speechless. this is so great! its one of miracle. here, i give you some of the photos:

cool, huh ?
btw, i got this pict from here

oh yea, if you think these is just hoax photos, image in the edit, or whatever.
you can watch the videos on youtube. i give you the link.

do you believe it now? ok, I am here not to force anyone to believe. i dont know this is true or not but you'll believe it if you already go to Meksiko and saw it by yourself. well, this is a great miracle and I want to share it here :) enjoy!